Grant applicants are required to submit the following:
Project Timeline - a detailed description of the project timeline
Project Budget - a detailed description of the project budget
W-9 - your organization's W-9 form
All documents must be in PDF format.
How to Name Your Files
Please use the following conventions to name your files. This will help us expedite your application efficiently.
Project Timeline: Organization-Timeline.pdf
Project Budget: Organization-Budget.pdf
W-9: Organization-W9.pdf
Replace Organization with your organization's name.
Previous Grants
Previous grantees are welcome to reapply for a new grant each year.
Agreement and Understanding
All materials submitted to the Otis and Rosie Brown Foundation / Extraordinary Is are confidential and that these materials are requested for the sole purpose of determining an organization's qualifications for a grant award and will not be shared outside of the foundation.
Thank you! We’ll be in touch.